Graph showing Tumor weight versus days since subcutaneous implant of the NCI-H226 tumor in nu/nu NCr mice. There were three groups in the study. Group 1: 1x10^7 cells were implanted SC Bilaterally [Passage 1]. 23% Take Rate. Group 2: fragments implanted bilaterally- Passage 4. 92% Take Rate. Group 3: fragments implanted bilaterally- Passage 10. 100% Take Rate. Notes: Animals were bilaterally implanted for subsequent tumor collection and microarray studies. To ensure standardization in data reporting, only right tumor values were utilized for growth data associated with microarray studies. P1 [Group 1] Notes: Nine animals were assigned to this group. Seven animals in this group failed to establish tumor growth post implant [take rate was adjusted to reflect these animals]. It was noted that one cage of animals [n=5] had a water bottle leak on Day 13 and this stress could have adversely affected subsequent tumor growth. P4 [Group 2] Notes: Twelve animals were assigned to this group.One animal in this group failed to establish tumor growth on the right side [take rate was adjusted to reflect this animal] - while only right tumor values were used for calculations, it is important to note that there was progressive tumor growth in the left tumor of this animal. P10 [Group 3] Notes: Eight animals were assigned to this group.