DTP Branches and Offices
Jason Yovandich, PhD, RAC

Biological Resources Branch
Developmental Therapeutics Program
National Cancer Institute
8560 Progress Drive, RM 3914
Frederick, MD 21701
301-846-5827 (o)
240-357-6532 (c)
301-846-5429 (f)
Dr. Jason Yovandich earned his Ph.D. in Molecular and Cellular Biology from Baylor College of Medicine, studying plasmid gene transfer and regulated expression for gene therapy of the synovial joint. His post-doctoral research on DNA-based HIV vaccine development was conducted in the AIDS and Cancer Virus Program (formerly AIDS Vaccine Program) at NCI-Frederick. In 1999, he moved into the product development and regulatory affairs arena and achieved a Certificate in Regulatory Compliance from Hood College and U.S. FDA Regulatory Affairs certification from the Regulatory Affairs Professionals Society.
Dr. Yovandich has been with BRB since he started as a Technology Transfer Fellow in 2000. Since 2002 he has served as a grants Program Official and shepherded over 15 translational biological agents through the IND process and into the clinic.
About the Branch Chief
Dr. Jason Yovandich earned his Ph.D. in Molecular and Cellular Biology from Baylor College of Medicine, studying plasmid gene transfer and regulated expression for gene therapy of the synovial joint. His post-doctoral research on DNA-based HIV vaccine development was conducted in the AIDS and Cancer Virus Program (formerly AIDS Vaccine Program) at NCI-Frederick. More…